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This study investigated impact of staff training and development on teacher productivity in Lagos State Education District V. comprise of teachers in all 139 secondary schools in Lagos state education District V, However, 26 simple random sampling technique was adopted for this study in selecting Five (5) senior secondary schools, from Lagos State Educational District V, while Purposive random sampling technique will be used to select 20 teachers’ from each school selected making a total of (100) respondent. A descriptive Survey research design, data were collected from respondent through the administration of Impact of Training and Development on Teachers’ Job Productivity Questionnaire” (ITDTJPQ) was used as a data collection tool and it is subjected to reliability test of + 0.73 coefficient, PPMCC was used to test statistics, the findings revealed that there was a significant on impact of training and development on teachers’ job productivity p-value = 0.675, p-value = 0.537, and p-value = 0.975.which is higher than 0.5 level of significance simple percentage distribution was used to present data ,it is Recommended that a policy on conduct of conference should be put in place to allow every teacher to benefit from such training because of its desirability, need for broader and wider acquisition of knowledge by the teacher is necessary, and members of staff need to be acquainted with the current trends in education.






Title i

Certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Abstract v

Table of Contents vi


1.1 Background to the Study 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem 6

1.3 Purpose of the Study 7

1.4 Research Questions 7

1.5 Research Hypotheses 8

1.6 Significant of Study 8

1.7 Scope of the Study 9

1.8 Limitation on the Study 9

1.9 Operational Definition of Terms 9


2.1 Conceptual Review 11

2.1.1 Concept of Staff Development Staff development 11

2.1.2 Types of Staff Development 13

2.1.3 Benefits of Staff Development on Job Productivity 16

2.1.4 Concept of Training 17

2.1.5 Types of Training 20

2.1.6 The Concept of Staff Productivity 22

2.1.7 Concept of Training and job Productivity 25

2.1.8 Personal Policy for Training and Development 28

2.2 Theoretical Framework 31

2.2.2 Goal Setting Theory   31

2.3 Empirical Review 34

2.4 Summary of Literature Review 37


3.1 Research Design 39

3.2 Population of the Study 39

3.3 Sample and Sampling Technique 40

3.4 Instruments for Data Collection 40

3.5 Validity of Research Instrument    41

3.6 Reliability of the Research Instrument 41

3.7 Method of Data Collection 41

3.8 Method of Data Analysis 41


4.1Descriptive Analysis 43

4.2Test of Hypotheses 45

4.3 Discussion of Findings 48


5.1 Summary    50

5.2 Conclusion 52

5.3 Recommendations 52

5.4 Suggestions for Further Studies 54

Reference 55

Appendix 64



1.1 Background to the Study

Personnel policies on teacher training and development administration are the components of human resource management. The managers (principals) use it to ensure that organizational (school) members (principals, teachers and students) develop skills and abilities that will enable them to perform their job effectively in the present and in the future. Training and development helps members of organization to be up-to-date and be able to acquire modern methods of performing organizational tasks (teaching and learning). For example, through in-service training, attending conferences or workshops and seminars, teachers may learn the latest on modern methods of teaching.

Training develops an individual while the paying organization also benefits from their higher productivity (Fagbamiye & Durusaro, 2014). In other words, training and development is an ongoing process because of change in technology and the environment as well as changes in an organization’s goals and strategies which often require organizational members to learn new techniques and ways of working. Training focuses on teaching organizational members how to perform effectively on their jobs while development focuses on broadening organizational members’ knowledge and skills so that employees will be prepared to take on new responsibilities and challenges (Jones, George & Hill, 1998).By and large, training and development is a very useful aspect of human resource management. Training provision by an organization is largely focused on the development of managerial talent. Training and development have often been confused and therefore loosely used as meaning the same thing. From the human resource management perspective, Nakpodia (2015) view training as an exploration of job-related skills, while development often denotes the broad scope of training. Thus, development is follow-up activity to training and is embarked upon at a higher level of management. Nakpodia went further to explain that training is a process of teaching a worker how to perform tasks. It is a means of altering a worker’s behavior and attitudes in order to increase the opportunities for improved work performance. Training can also be seen as a learning process whereby people acquire skills, concepts, attitudes or knowledge to aid in the achievement of goals. It involves a systematic approach to the teaching of specific and immediate usable skills.


The major goals of personnel training is the improvement of worker’s performance overtime as well as retain them on the job for productivity. In consonance with the foregoing, effective training can increase productivity, lead to greater job satisfaction and high turnover. It enables workers to develop better understanding of their work and provide the ability to cope with organizational, social and technological innovations. Thus, effective training has been acknowledged as a sure investment in human resources of an organization with both immediate and long-range goals (Nakpodia, 2015). Littlewonder, (2013) explained that employees may become obsolete and rustic if they do not update themselves with new work, methods, skills and knowledge about their work organization and environment. Training is as dynamic as the environment itself. This truth has an implication for the staff in service, the need to develop on the job and keep abreast with the continual change in the job which may be conditioned by changes in the environment in terms of scientific, technological and socio-cultural and economic advancement.

Arising from the foregoing, Whawo (2013) stated that the deficiency in the training programme of most human resources needs to be remedied through a system of staff training. Akin from the ongoing, Peretomode (2013) highlighted the determinants of training as acquiring more conceptual knowledge, skills and competencies both in teaching areas and non-teaching areas, obtain a high academic or professional qualifications in school/organization hierarchy, to meet up with the new change in the educational system, procure job security. Littlewonder, Whawo (2013) noted that irrespective of the method of training that staff engages in, the importance is to improve the teaching skills and use of teaching aids, evolve modern methods of evaluating students and above all, make them have a deeper knowledge of their teaching subjects. In a similar vein, study of Okoro cited in Chukwu (2013) endorsed the concept of in-service training for administrative staff of all levels.

The researchers stressed that there is need to upgrade quality of leadership in the school system and in institutions offering education in order to achieve effective programme of selection and preparation. However, University of East Anglia under the university policy for staff training and development holds that an organization/institution committed to the support of staff development and training which is geared towards development of knowledge, skills and awareness of staff will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of individuals. The efficient functioning of the organization/institution depends on its support for the provision of staff development and provision for academic relatedness. In the same category, Southern Education and Library Board on staff training and development stated that it values its employees and as a result encourages life-long learning so that individuals can develop their potentials and enrich their lives. As such, in an environment of constant change and increasing demands, staff training and development plays a crucial role in equipping staff with the necessary skills, knowledge and abilities which they need to deliver high quality services in their areas. Expectedly, training programmes for serving staff may take the form of part-time, full-time, sandwich and weekend programmes, available in various courses in some tertiary institutions in Nigeria and abroad. Thus, a diligent teacher has ample opportunity for professional development because there is need to expose their staff to training in modern techniques of performing their job to raise the quality of their input (Whawo, 2013).

In support of the foregoing, Afianmagbon (2017) noted that in-service training, by attending conferences or workshops help teachers to learn the latest or modern methods of teaching. However, the training approach of human resources is different and the certificates obtained are equally different. The scientific management principle of school administration of Frederick Taylor believes that performance should be part of each job so that each workman knows his job well (Egwunyenga, 2020). Thus, in the training of trained staff, their courses comprise of their main area of education course in which they are introduced to teaching techniques, methods, presentation of lessons, art of classroom management and other factors affecting teaching and learning (Kpangban and Onwuegbu, 2013). These classes of teachers are called trained or professional staff because of the nature of their training. Their teaching is usually done asspecialist and their relevant results are National Certificate in Education (NCE), Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.), Bachelor of Art in Education (B.A. Ed.), Bachelor of Science in Education (B.Sc. Ed), Master of Science (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.), and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).

The training of untrained teachers is quite different as their courses comprise of only their main areas. These classes of staff do not study education, so are not exposed to teaching methods, techniques, time and classroom management and other teaching procedures. They have academic qualification and are untrained staff or non-professional in teaching field, as a result cannot perform like the trained teachers. Their certificates include Bachelor of Art (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Master of Science (M.Sc.), and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).Interestingly, arising from the ongoing, teachers need to be given orientation exercises as soon as they are recruited and more importantly on-the-job training and development is important so that they can keep abreast of the latest development in their field.


1.2 Statement of the Problem

Several factors have been highlighted, which make it difficult for many teachers’ to perform very well and remain in service as poor working environment, lack of inducement and inadequate staff training and development, improper policies implementation and policy somersaulting further, there are numerous corruption practices in the system on the part of government and other stakeholders whom government appointed to manage the system as non-payment of training allowance to the trained staff as and when due, godfathers’ syndrome among the stakeholders, embezzlement of fund, mismanagement and diversion of funds. In line with ongoing, every education system depends heavily on the quality and productivity of teachers for meeting the ever-increase challenges of the society. Conversely, it appear, that the Quality of teachers’ that are employed into the education sector are not measuring up to the standards of the education the citizens expects, and this will be as a result of lack of proper training and retraining of teachers, with relevant opportunities for them to update their skills.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The general purpose of the study was to assess the impact of staff training and development on teacher productivity in Lagos State Education District V. Superficially, the study sought to:

  1. ascertain the relationship between on the job training and teachers job productivity in public senior secondary school in Lagos state Education District V
  2. determine the relationship between workshop and teachers job performance in public senior secondary school in Lagos State Education District V.

iii. identify the relationship between seminar and teachers job performance in public senior secondary school in Lagos State Education District V.

1.4 Research Questions

The following research questions guided the study;

  1. What is the relationship between on the job training and teachers job productivity in public senior secondary school in Lagos state Education District V?
  2. What is the relationship between workshop and teachers job performance in public senior secondary school in Lagos State Education District V?

iii. What is the relationship between seminar and teachers job performance in public senior secondary school in Lagos State Education District V?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

H01: There is no significant relationship between on the job training and teachers job productivity in public senior secondary school in Lagos state Education District V.

H02: There is no significant relationship between workshop and teachers job performance in public senior secondary school in Lagos State Education District V.

H03: There is no significant relationship between seminar and teachers job performance in public senior secondary school in Lagos State Education District V.

1.6 Significant of Study

The significance of this study lies in its potential to address the crucial issue of staff training and development in public secondary schools and its impact on teacher job productivity.

In Nigeria today, the desire of rapid economic development and technological advancement make this study a subject of significance. To this end, various debates, researches, conferences and seminars have been conducted by Nigeria Union of Teacher (NUT). This study will be of invaluable assistance to management Development Institutes, school owner, the government, policy makers, politicians, administrators, human resources personnel researchers, students and future teachers. It is expected that the study will inform heads of school that to increase workers productivity. There is this to have and retain well trained and motivated teachers. It will also to help to develop and maintain a quality work life, which will provide an opportunity for employees’ job satisfactions and self-actualization. Finally, the study will aid management to introduce modern schemes for training and development to be able meets the challenges of change in the future.

1.7 Scope of the Study

This study covers all public secondary schools in Lagos State Education District V.

1.8 Limitation on the Study

This study will be faced with some challenges. The study may also be faced with difficulties in getting willing respondents, uncooperative attitude of the respondents and other unforeseen circumstances that will be encountered.

1.9 Operational Definition of Terms

Staff Training:  Staff training refers to the process of providing education, instruction, and development opportunities to employees within an organization. It aims to enhance the knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies of staff

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