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The study examined the supervision of instruction and teachers’ productivity in public secondary school in education district v of Lagos state. The research adopts a descriptive survey research design, data were collected using questionnaire from all approved public secondary schools in Lagos State Education District V using simple random sampling technique, a total of one hundred respondents from the five public schools randomly selected, form the total sample size of this study. The purpose of this study is to examine supervision of teacher’s attitude to teaching and teachers productivity in public secondary schools in Education Districts V, and as well ascertain the impact of supervision of teacher’s lesson plan on teacher’s productivity in public secondary schools in Education District V,  However, three research hypotheses were tested and the first test of hypothesis shows that there is a significant impact of supervision of instruction on teachers attitude to teaching and their productivity in public secondary schools, the second test of hypothesis reveals that there is a significant effect of supervision of teachers lesson plan on teachers productivity in public secondary schools, the third test of hypothesis reveals that regular instructional supervision as a significant effect on teachers productivity. part of the conclusions agreed on the topic is that supervision was found to be a major determinant of teacher’s productivity in public schools, and the mechanism of supervision should be well positioned in both public and private schools, it was also concluded that regular instructional supervision has effect on teachers productivity. The study recommends teachers teaching process should not only be sustained but improved upon by training teachers on the 21st century methods of teaching process. School management should ensure that both internal and external training are organized frequently, supervision of teacher’s lesson delivery should be improved upon through regular upgrade of teacher’s knowledge.

Word count: 310

Keywords: Supervision, Attitude, productivity





Title i

Certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Abstract vi

Table of Contents vii


1.1 Background to the Study 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem 7

1.3 Purpose of the Study 9

1.4 Research Questions 9

1.5 Research Hypotheses 10

1.6 Significance of the Study 10

1.7 Scope of the Study 11

1.8 Limitations on the Study 11

1.9 Operational Definitions of Terms 11


2.1 Theoretical Framework 13

2.1.1 Planturroot Psychological Theory 15

2.1.2 Behaviorist Theory 16

2.2 Conceptual Framework 16

2.2.1 Concept of Supervision of Instruction 16

2.2.2 Types of Supervision of Instruction   19

2 .2.3 Principles of Supervision of Instruction 20

2.2.4 Technique of Supervision of Instruction 22

2.2.5 Purpose of Supervision of Instruction 25

2.2.6 Supervision of Teachers Productivity and Lesson Plans 28

2.2.7 Regular Supervision of Instruction 30

2.2.8 Concept of Teacher 32

2.2.9 Concept of Productivity 33

2.2.10 Concepts of Teachers Productivity 33

2.2.11 Factors Affecting Teachers Productivity 35

2.2.12 Relationship Between Teachers Productivity and Supervision of Instruction 40

2.2.13 Impact of Experience 41

2.3 Empirical Review 45

2.4 Appraisal of Reviewed Literature 50


3.1Research Design 52

3.2 Population of the Study 52

3.3 Sample and Sampling Technique 52

3.4Research Instrument/Instrumentation 53

3.5Validity of the Research Instrument 53

3.6 Reliability of the Research Instrument 53

3.7 Method of Data Collection 54

3.8 Method of Data Analysis 54


4.1Respondents’ Characteristics and Classification 55

4.2 Testing of Hypotheses 58

4.3 Discussion of Findings 62


5.1 Summary 65

5.2 Conclusion 66

5.3 Recommendations 67

Reference 70

Appendix 74



1.1 Background to the Study

Education is a process, whether formal or informal, that enlightens, builds, and develops both the body and intellect, using all available resources wisely to make the educated man most helpful to himself, society, and the nation at large (femi 2016) in essence education is seen as a mean of rearing and nurturing the individual to grow and acquire skill, knowledge attitude and valve which effectives initiate him into his culture.  As he grows through life, such and individual employs the use of his head, his heart and his hand  to think, to love, to work, and develop himself fully for his own good and that of his society. He thus recognized as a good citizen. This mean that education performs important function in any society whether simple or complex the function which is according to caldron(2017) is political, economical, and social and cultural. The educational institution is regarded as a school and a miniature of the society. Therefore, the curriculum of the formal education is developed to cater for the society need in all ramifications within which the education is taking place that is the political, economic, social and cultural need of the society will be incorporated in the educational curriculum of the society.

The attainment of laudable goals of secondary school education hinges on teachers’ productivity which is the reflection of their effectiveness and efficiency in curriculum planning, curriculum delivery, resource utilization, classroom management, assessment of students’ learning activities and record keeping. Akinade (2015) posited that, Any school’s success in attaining its aims and objectives is determined by the efficiency and effectiveness of its administrators and teachers. Despite the efforts of the government and different organizations, secondary school teacher output is still seen to be below expectations. Experience has shown that some of the secondary school graduates are finding it hard to successfully compete favorably with other graduates, in the labor market and in gaining admission to higher institutions.

In this regard, some post researchers and psychologist like Abraham Maslow, Meclelland and Murray has shown that motivation is crucial in human life and that it is capable of affecting the standard of education in schools. There are dominant factors which explains human behavior in a particular circumstance .These are describe a “Motives” .Motives are the effective incitement to nation that lies behind our act and behind the show of things .As explained that there is motive behind any behavior, hence motives direct our action .This is where it is pertinent for the society that is the government and parents to understand teachers motives and direst these to desirable end.


Teacher is a person who imparts knowledge for a living as a profession. Also, a teacher is a person specially prepared to exercise the profession of teaching (Frankiel 2016).Teacher in another word is a person who engages in developing learners psychomotor, cognitive and effective in formal school system (termar 2013) more so, teacher is a person who has undergone approved professional training in education at appropriate level capable of imparting knowledge, attitude and skills to the learners. Which teaching is a systematic rational and organized process of transmitting knowledge, attitude and skill in accordance with professional principles? Teaching and motivation are inseparable in the educational institution because it makes the learners to show much interest in the teaching and learning activities.

Teachers’ productivity is concerned with the overall effectiveness and efficiency of getting things done. It is essentially a measure of how well an organization converts resources into goods and services. It appears that the rate of getting things done by teachers is not as effective and efficient as expected. The economic situation of the country has made teachers to combine other businesses with teaching, thus affecting their productivity in the school. Some teachers who would have been very productive in the school seem to be distracted by other businesses they engage in which in turn consume most of their official time. It was observed that some teachers consider themselves as birds of passage within the teaching career. In effect they lack commitment and are not ready to be productive; knowing fully well that there seems to be inadequate effective supervision of the secondary schools. It appears that most of these teachers are merely staying on the job to look for better jobs elsewhere. Observation shows that the attitudes associated with unproductive teachers to include: absenteeism, persistent lateness to school, irregular and unauthorized movement from duty post and indiscipline. Recently, Igwe, Uzoka and Rufai (2013) lamented on the hues and cries of the populace over the continuous poor productivity of teachers in Nigeria.

Teaching and learning process can be defined as a transformation process of knowledge from teachers to students. It is referred as the combination of various elements within the process where an educator identifies and establish the learning objectives and develop teaching resources and implement the teaching and learning strategy. On the other hand, learning is a cardinal factor that a teacher must consider while teaching students. Learning can be considered as change that is permanent in nature because change is brought into students by a teacher through techniques like developing specific skills, changing some attitudes, or understanding specific scientific law operating behind a learning environment (Sequeira, 2012). However, in order to be an active learner in higher education, each student expects to be regarded as an adult learner with some control over the learning environment, such as the ability to raise questions and clarify doubts. (Levine and Munsch, 2017). That is, students expect to have ownership over the learning session. Furthermore, students expect their instructor to be cooperative and humorous, to educate clearly and to utilize relevant examples so that the course material being taught becomes easy to learn, which I believe is becoming increasingly important in classrooms today. (akinwunmi, 2015).

In any society, the productivity of the teaching is the concern of different groups of people in the government the parents, school and the learners. All these groups, in one way or the other are capable of motivating teachers to teach. It was discovered that there is an energizing “force” that includes and dictates ones behavior towards a given task .It compels teachers to perform task to meet predetermined standard the main characteristics are that they are sustain, goal and arouse as a result of a need that is feet, the motivational factors are those that induce one to perform better in teaching condition which  may be tangible and non tangible incentive such as functional benefit, promotion desirable teaching condition, leadership styles.

An effective supervision seems to be a prerequisite for productivity. This calls for supervision of teachers in secondary schools. Supervision according to Modebelu (2008) is a process of assisting, directing, stimulating and motivating teachers to enhance teaching and learning process in educational institution. From this definition, it appears that supervision brings about the maximum development of the teacher into the most professionally efficient and productive person he is capable of becoming. Walker (2016) on the other hand sees supervision as a task of improving instruction through regular monitoring of teachers. Arogundade (2009) defined supervision as a behaviour formally provided by the organization for the purpose of directly influencing teaching behaviour in a such a way as to improve students’ learning. In educational supervision, the supervisor guides and assists the teachers to meet the set targets. No wonder, Mecgley (2015) opined that the major function of the supervisor is to assist others to become productive, efficient and effective in the performance of the assigned duties. The perceived functions of supervision according to the researcher include: making classroom visits, supervising heads of departments and teachers by checking their scheme of work and lesson notes, check mating teachers’ classroom attendance, checking absenteeism and rewarding hardworking teachers and punishing indolent ones by assigning administrative duties to them as means of encouraging them to do the right things at the right time.

According to Ogba and Igu (2014) supervision of instruction has been identified as one of the approaches to teacher effectiveness. This calls for supervision of Instructional procedure in secondary schools. Okendu (2012), supervision of instruction enhances the professional growth of the teacher, the curriculum and improving the techniques of teaching in the classroom through democratic interaction between the teacher and the supervisor. Ogbo (2015) define supervision as the maximum development of the teacher into the most professionally efficient and effective person he is capable of becoming. This definition recognize that a teacher has potentials that needs help, guidance and directing. Walker (2016) and Clark (2015) On the other hand see supervision as a task of improving instruction through regular monitoring and in-service education of teachers.These definitions therefore, According to Eya and Leonard (2012) indicate that supervision is all about promoting leadership and teacher growth in educational practices. Supervision of instruction according to Okobia (2015) is a helping relationship whereby the supervisor guides and assist the teachers to meet the set targets. This definition describes supervision of instruction from the point of establishing the relationship with stakeholders in the school system for the purpose of achieving the set objectives. Adu,Balogun and Olubube (2014) suggested that instructional supervision improves decision-making skills, which in turn, influence student learning outcomes


1.2 Statement of the Problem

There is inadequate supervision of instructions in secondary schools in Nigeria. Poor supervision of instructions is a long existing issue needing attention. The deplorable state of teachers productivity leading to the poor academic performance of secondary school students seems to point out that supervision of instruction is not frequently performed in order to provide professional guidance and assistance to teachers to allow them to improve on their instructional delivery. However, for teachers to discharge their duties effectively and efficiently there is a need to adequately educate, supervise and train them (Suleiman et al.2020).

The results of Senior School Certificate Examination by West African Examination Council have shown that all is not well with the teachers’ productivity. The performance of many candidates fell below the average of 40.6 percent which was in itself a poor performance. The performance of students in SSCE has consistently been oscillating between 38.93% in 2011 and 45.52% in 2013. WAEC’s result of May/June 2014 put the percentage at 31.28 that is 1.6 million candidates wrote the examinations and just about 500,000 passed five subjects including English Language and Mathematics. [Vanguard, August 2014].

The outcry about the low standard of education in our secondary schools was echoed by Akintola (2003) when he stressed that the emerging pattern in Nigeria education seems to be worse than ever before, because of lack of adequate motivation to the teachers. Inadequate provisions of both reading and writing materials for the students by the parents are the causative factors responsible for the low performance in schools. One other salient causative factor reducing the standard of education ,mostly in our secondary school is the lack of government motivation to teachers area of salaries ,delay in promotion and inability of the government in organizing workshop and seminars’ for the teachers.

Therefore, to upgrade the standard of education the government, parents and the student should strive to give the necessary incentive that would stimulate the teacher’s motives towards teaching.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The society that is, the government, parent, schools and learners have been serving as motivational factor to teaching in our secondary school. Then to ascertain the extent and the level of motivation given to teachers, this study attempt to look at the situation in some selected public secondary schools in Lagos state.

Particularly the study sets out to;

  1. Examine teacher’s attitude to teaching in public secondary schools in Education Districts V, Lagos State
  2. Ascertain the impact of supervision of teacher’s lesson plan on teacher’s productivity in public secondary schools in Education District V, Lagos state.
  3. Examine the impact of regular instructional supervision on teacher’s productivity in public secondary schools in Education District V, Lagos state.

1.4 Research Questions

  1. Will the supervision of teacher’s attitude to teaching affect teacher’s productivity in public secondary schools in Education District V, Lagos State?
  2. How does supervision of teacher’s lesson plan affect teacher’s productivity in public secondary schools in Education District V, Lagos State?
  3. Does regular instructional supervision affect teacher’s productivity in public secondary schools in Education District V, Lagos State?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

The following null hypothesis were raised for the purpose of this study

HO1. There is no significant impact of supervision of instruction on teacher’s attitude to teaching and teachers productivity in public secondary schools in Education District V, Lagos State.

HO2.There is no significant effect of supervision of teacher’s lesson plan on teachers’ productivity in public secondary schools in Education District V, Lagos State.

HO3.Regular instructional supervision has no effect on teacher’s productivity in public secondary schools in Education District V, Lagos State.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This research work will help the society to a great a extent in realizing the purpose they wish teaching to serve, would expose to the government various motivational strategies they could apply that will facilitate teaching the strategies such as distribution of instructional materials , regular paying of teachers salaries, given promotion to teachers when dues ,given in-service training. The research work would make the government to realize the motivation that teachers lack and the effectiveness of those that are provided so as to rectify the situation for improvement in the teaching profession. Besides, it is the aim of this work to enlighten the parent also of their parental roles in promoting the teaching effectiveness of teachers. Along the same line this research would feed the parents back on the effectiveness of the various strategies they use to motivate the teachers and to encourage them better.

Essentially, the research would avail the government, parent and learners making joint effort to motivate teacher and effect improvement in the productivity.

1.7 Scope of the Study

This study covers all public secondary schools in education district v, in Lagos state. Five public schools were randomly selected in ojo zone, being an area with much public schools.

1.8 limitation on the study

This study was limited by some factors, such as uncooperative attitude of some teachers to fill out copies of the questionnaire, also financial constraints was one of the challenges faced on the study.

1.9 Operational Definition of Terms

Instruction:-refers to the transformation process of knowledge from teachers to students. It is referred as the combination of various elements within the process where an educator identifies and establish the learning objectives and develop teaching resources and implement the teaching and learning strategy.

Teacher:-is a person who had undergone approved professional training in education at appropriate level capable of imparting knowledge attitudes and skill to the learners.

Teaching: – this is the passing of knowledge from the instructor (teachers) to the learners (student).

Teachers Productivity: – This is the measure of a teachers effectiveness in a particular subject area

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